Mediamall Sound Cards & Media Devices Driver

Best Sound Cards for PC, Laptop, Gaming, and Audiophiles. If you are an audiophile, music enthusiast, enthusiast gamer or a professional whose job involves music or sound recording, testing or playback then you do need a good dedicated sound card. A good sound card is still way ahead of the onboard sound, no matter how better onboard audio has become in recent times. An audiophile or a music. Playon Troubleshooting.

Active TV Solutions Enable Internet Video on Your TV, Courtesy of Your PC


In partnership with entertainment technology leaders, AMD(NYSE:AMD) today announced the AMD LIVE!(TM) Ready program, anecosystem branding initiative designed to provide consumers withgreater choice and simplicity for seamless enjoyment of their personalphotos, videos and music, as well as popular videos from the Internet.The new AMD LIVE! Ready program is designed to easily identify variousdevices and software that best complete the AMD LIVE! digitalentertainment and media experience.

'As more and more consumers embrace the AMD LIVE! solution, wecontinue to reduce complexity and move technology out of the way for amore delightful consumer experience,' said Joe Menard, corporate vicepresident of AMD's Consumer Business. 'We are excited to leverage ouropen-platform approach and collaborate with industry leaders to helpsimplify hardware and software choices for consumers' digitalentertainment.'

With the AMD LIVE! Ready logo, consumers now have a quick and easyway to select components that work best with their AMD LIVE! desktopand notebook PCs, AMD LIVE! Home Cinema and AMD LIVE! Home MediaServer, helping them build a robust digital media ecosystem. Productsthat will carry the logo include portable media players, networkdevices, software, TV tuners, storage solutions, web cameras, set-topboxes and digital media adapters.

'The AMD LIVE! solution provides consumers with an easy way tointeract, control and enjoy their digital entertainment experiences,'said Dale Pistilli, director of business development for Logitech'sControl Device Business Unit. 'As a leading provider of personalperipherals for the digital home, Logitech is looking forward toparticipating in the AMD LIVE! Ready program and helping torevolutionize the way people enjoy their digital content both insidetheir homes and remotely.'

'As a leading manufacturer of network-enabled set-top boxes,Worldsat applauds AMD for providing consumers with access to theirdigital content anytime and anywhere,' said Laurent Festor, deputydirector of Worldsat. 'Over the years, Worldsat has made a concertedeffort to work closely with partners like AMD to ensure a seamless andsimple digital media experience in and around the home, and we arepleased to partner in the AMD LIVE! Ready effort to truly transformthe television experience with Active TV solutions.'

AMD is working with leading technology partners to support new andinnovative models for delivering the best digital experience toconsumers through the AMD LIVE! Ready program. As part of this openecosystem initiative, AMD is taking a leadership role to provideconsumers with more interactivity and choice in their TV viewingexperience.

Active TV Solutions

Consumers are watching billions of video streams on their PCsevery month. Leveraging the power and performance of the AMD LIVE! PC,AMD is working with various industry suppliers to help consumersdisplay and share those same video streams on the TV with a portfolioof Active TV solutions that extend the PC to the TV.

Active TV solutions allow consumers to stream broadcast andbroadband entertainment content from the PC to the TV, offering anenjoyable 'living room' viewing experience with the convenience of aremote control. To deliver this capability, AMD is establishingpartnerships in an open ecosystem of set-top box and game consolemanufacturers, middleware providers and content aggregators to deliverActive TV-enabled hardware and software solutions as part of the AMDLIVE! Ready program.

AMD and an ecosystem of suppliers will make various Active TVsolutions available to purchasers of new AMD LIVE! PCs and AMD LIVE!Ready branded set-top boxes, TVs and other devices. AMD andcollaborators such as Kjaerulff, Dream Multimedia, WorldSat and BroadQalso intend to make the Active TV capability available to existing PCowners under the AMD LIVE! Ready brand.

In addition to streaming videos from the PC to the TV, the ActiveTV capability enabled by a powerful media center PC, allows consumersto create customized 'TV-web channels' and distribute them totelevisions around the home, aggregating video favorites from popularmedia sharing web sites such as YouTube, ROO, Veoh and VMIX.

'Honda's aim is to excite and intrigue potential customers inorder to gain interest and encourage them to engage with our brand.Increasingly we are looking beyond traditional spot advertising tocreate this effect,' said Ian Armstrong, communications manager, HondaUK. 'Having successfully launched our TV channel, we want to furtherextend our coverage, giving potential viewers the opportunity to watchour channel on TV as well as the web. We are delighted that Active TVsolutions help us reach more viewers.'

While Active TV solutions are open to any PC platform, they arebest experienced on a PC based on multi-core technology, such as anAMD LIVE! PC. By leveraging the additional processor core, consumersare better able to format and deliver Internet content to thetelevision.


Active TV-enabled set-top boxes and related software are currentlyavailable in Europe from Kjaerulff1 and Dream Multimedia. Otherleading manufacturers are expected to introduce AMD LIVE! Readydevices and Active TV solutions in Europe and North America by thesecond half 2007.

Some AMD LIVE! Ready solutions that support Active TV features arebeing demonstrated at CeBIT this week in AMD's booth in Hall 2, Booth#D35.

About AMD

Advanced Micro Devices (NYSE:AMD) is a leading global provider ofinnovative processing solutions in the computing, graphics andconsumer electronics markets. AMD is dedicated to driving openinnovation, choice and industry growth by delivering superiorcustomer-centric solutions that empower consumers and businessesworldwide. For more information, visit

(C)2007 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. AMD, AMD LIVE!, the AMD Arrowlogo, and combinations thereof, are trademarks of Advanced MicroDevices, Inc. Other names are for informational purposes only and maybe trademarks of their respective owners.

Mediamall Sound Cards & Media Devices Driver

Addendum Quote Sheet: Ecosystem Support

'Consumers want to enjoy their media and the rich contentexperience of the Internet in the comfort of their living room ontheir home entertainment system,' said Stacy Cook, CEO of BroadQ.'BroadQ is developing the next generation in television entertainmentand we are excited to be part of the Active TV solutions driven byAMD.'

'We are proud to be an active participant of the AMD LIVE! Readyprogram in our capacity as a leading provider of digital homenetworking solutions,' said Gerardine Lynch, product marketing managerat Buffalo Technology. 'We see this as a positive step towardsensuring our customers have a platform that unites multipleentertainment options into a single manageable platform, providing anenjoyable immersive entertainment experience for all.'

'We are pleased to participate in the AMD LIVE! Ready ecosystem,'said Blaine Mathieu, general manager of digital media at Corel. 'As aleading provider of advanced digital video and audio multimediasoftware products, we strive to provide consumers with simplesolutions to capture, edit, author, burn, distribute and play personaldigital video files.'

'From our Sound Blaster X-Fi sound cards to our ZEN Vision:M andZEN Vision W portable media players, Creative offers an excitingselection of digital entertainment experiences with AMD LIVE!,' saidSargon Eshagh, vice president of sales for Creative. 'The AMD LIVE!Ready ecosystem helps ensure that consumers can easily identify theproducts to match their digital lifestyle.'

'With the introduction of the AMD LIVE! Ready program, AMD hasinitiated yet another positive step toward optimizing consumers'digital entertainment experience,' said Daniel Kelley, director ofmarketing at D-Link Systems, Inc. 'As industry leaders in broadbandand network connectivity for the digital home, we are committed totaking digital media enthusiasts to a level they've never seenbefore.'

'Active TV represents the future of interactive television viewingand we support this leading-edge technology,' said Alpaslan Karasu,spokesman at Dream Multimedia. 'Our high-performance Dreamboxes arecompatible with this technology and interoperate with other productsin the home to provide consumers with the best in versatility andcompatibility.'

'The Active TV ecosystem will transform TV usage in much the sameway as Skype has changed telephone usage,' said Jesper Kargaard, chieftechnology officer, Futarque. 'We see the addition of networking as astrong trend in the TV industry. Consequently, we are adding Active TVsolutions into several of our customers' TV and set-top box productsto enable them to access TV-web channels across the Internet.'

'AMD continues to innovate in-the-home entertainment market andremains focused on customers' needs. We look forward to playing alarger part in expanding the media entertainment experience with ourwide range of WinTV tuners,' said Yehia Oweiss, vice president ofsales, EMEA at Hauppauge Digital. 'The AMD LIVE! Ready program is agreat way for consumers to select the devices best suited to theirdigital entertainment needs.'

'Kjaerulff 1 is proud to partner with AMD to make Active TV aliving room reality for our customers,' said Karsten Kjaerulff, ownerand managing director at Kjaerulff 1. 'The introduction of thisfeature to enable the formatting and distribution of TV-web content ispoised to revolutionize the TV viewing experience and we support AMD'scommitment to consistently deliver best-in-class performance for thechanging face of digital media entertainment.'

'MediaMall Technologies is pleased to help AMD drive widespreadadoption of popular Internet video services on the television screen,'said Jeff Lawrence, president and CEO, MediaMall. 'With MediaMallacting as the 'PC-to-TV glue,' and AMD64 dual-core processorsproviding the power, we are enabling the delivery of compelling webchannels from the Home PC to the television via Active TV devices.'

'Nero shares AMD's passion for providing consumers the smartestchoices for their digital entertainment needs,' said John Tafoya,general manager, Global Alliances at Nero. 'By participating in theAMD LIVE! Ready program, we look forward to helping consumers buildand optimize their digital experience.'

'AMD has provided a stellar example of customer-centric philosophyby enhancing the AMD LIVE! solution with a surrounding ecosystem ofhardware and software products that support it,' said Vivek Pathela,vice president of marketing at Netgear. 'As a leading producer ofperformance networking products, we look forward to the AMD LIVE!Ready program helping us address the growing customer demands indigital entertainment.'

'NVIDIA and AMD are committed to delivering consumers the bestvideo and graphics experience on the PC,' said Scott Vouri, generalmanager of multimedia products at NVIDIA. 'The AMD LIVE! Ready programcombined with NVIDIA PureVideo technology and high-resolution graphicswill give consumers outstanding digital home PC solutions.'

'With Active TV, AMD and its partners can bring consumers thepossibility to expand and redefine what the television experiencemeans, and Orb helps puts the consumer in the driver's seat of thatrevolution,' said Herve Utheza, vice president and general manager, TVProperties, Orb Networks.

'AMD LIVE! Ready not only provides consumers the convenience ofeasily identifying products that can enhance their digital experience,but also gives them the option to choose from a wide range ofbest-of-breed technologies within the AMD LIVE! ecosystem,' said MarcNoblitt, senior market development manager at Seagate. 'We are pleasedto support this visionary program with our high-performance andhigh-capacity disk drive technology.'

'Active TV is creating new opportunities for digital eCommerce forconsumers, such as the ability to place bids on eBay from your TV,previously only available on a PC,' said Christoph Buenger, CEO &founder of Scendix Software, Inc. 'In supporting Active TV solutions,we are helping AMD drive adoption through promotion of easy-to-useinterfaces and menus accessible with a TV remote control. As a leadingcompany for developing software solutions for the digital home, we areproud to offer our services to any company willing to be part of thisnew exciting platform.'

'Active TV is creating a new dimension of digital entertainmentfor consumers, offering the ability to view content previously onlyavailable on a PC,' said Christof Winker, founder and CEO ofSet-Top-Box expert, TeleGent GmbH. 'By supporting Active TV solutionswith EVO, our innovative IP-enabled hybrid set-top box systemplatform, we look forward to expanding Active TV's footprint in theconsumer electronics marketplace, adding another great value for ourown OEM customers and, last but not least, providing consumers therichest digital entertainment experience possible.'

'TerraTec's cooperation with AMD is founded on our mutual goal tosatisfy the ever-evolving demands of our customers and offer them morechoice,' said Heiko Meertz, general manager at TerraTec. 'We see thispartnership as an important step toward ensuring simpler choices forconsumers seeking an extra edge in their digital entertainmentexperience.'

'The AMD LIVE! Ready Program is the latest in a series ofcutting-edge innovations enabled by AMD technology,' said Zak Wood,senior marketing manager at TRENDnet. 'As a part of this powerfulecosystem of industry leaders, we are leveraging our globallyrecognized networking brand to help consumers experiencehigh-performance TRENDnet networks in their digital home.'

'The Web as we know it is intended for access from personalcomputers, yet the recent explosive growth of Web videos combined withconsumers desire to access those videos from their TV, makes itevident that a solution to bridge the gap between Web content and TVsis very much needed,' said Ronen Mizrahi, president and CEO TVersityInc. 'We, in TVersity, are very excited to be working with AMD ontheir Active TV solution, one of the few out there that aims to bridgethis gap by creating an open ecosystem where partners can prosper sideby side with AMD.'

'AMD has taken a significant step toward improving the wayconsumers choose their digital entertainment devices,' said YosiBrosh, vice president of sales and marketing at VBox Communications.'We look forward to being a part of this powerful extended-PC AMDLIVE! Ready network of entertainment devices. VBox Cat's Eye HDreceivers and the future release of Secure Cat's Eye receivers forreception of PayTV channels complement AMD LIVE! Ready perfectly.'

'As a popular source of creative video and audio content, VMIXMedia is pleased to be working hand-in-hand with AMD as a trustedpartner to help bring new web channels to the television via ActiveTV,' said Greg Kostello, CEO and founder of VMIX Media. 'With ActiveTV solutions, consumers can now watch online channels ontheir home TVs at the click of a button. We look forward to workingwith AMD to help bring VMIX's unique blend of content to consumerseverywhere.'

'Our focus is the development of video on demand content for ouradvertising clients,' said Andrew Howells, managing partner, Zype.'Having already created Honda's TV channel on an IPTV platform, wewere keen to work with AMD on Active TV to broaden the viewer base inthe U.K. and elsewhere. This gave us the opportunity to redesign thechannel for television so viewers can easily access the content usingtheir remote control.'

'ZyXEL has designed a broad range of products that make it easyfor consumers to store and share media over a connected digital home,'said Munira Brooks, senior vice president of sales, marketing andbusiness development at ZyXEL. 'We share with AMD a common commitmentto consumers to provide technology products that open new worlds ofpossibilities for the Digital Home. AMD LIVE! Ready takes thatcommitment one step further by making it easier to choose performanceenhancements that are integral to an immersive digital mediaexperience.'

Source: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Mediamall Sound Cards & Media Devices DriverThree years ago I wrote the article Building a multi-room networked home audio solution for FREE, Part 1 and never wrote part 2, where I promised I would show everyone how to put together a professional grade system for around $1,000. To date part 1 has been the most popular home network article on this site with over 45,000 views (next to the random article I wrote on how to remove a broken dipstick, which has over 73,000 views).
A few things have changed in those 3 years, inflation happens you know, but prices are still close to the same. There are more options now however, which I'll highlight as we go. My home has an accessible crawlspace which made running speaker wire insanely easy. Without that you may need to get creative, this article is going to assume you have the ability to at least run a little wire.
Here's a breakdown of what we will need:
  • Whole house multi-channel amplifier
  • At least one Logitech media player, more for multiple independent zones
  • A Logitech Media Server (many NASes include this, an old PC running Vortexbox is another great solution)
  • In-wall speakers
  • In-wall speaker wire
  • Subwoofer
  • Lossless music format such as FLAC or ALAC
  • Optional: In-wall volume control

And really that's it.
The amp
Let's talk about the amp first. Back when I put the system together I went with the Dayton Audio MA1240a Multi-Zone 12 Channel amplifier, which retails for $444 at press time. The sound is very crisp and clear, no distortion and this amp is very customizable. True audiophiles will snub their noses at the Dayton Audio amp, but I can say I have a Pioneer SC-63 amp on some beautiful old Polk Audio SDA-2Bs and the sound quality rivals that combination. Of course, this amp is rated at 40W per channel, so it doesn't get as loud as the SC-63, but for whole house listening it's PLENTY LOUD.
But before we go in to why this amp is good, let me mention there is now a 65W per channel version of the amp, the Dayton Audio MA1260 Multi-Zone 12 Channel amplifier. Essentialy the same specs with more power, for $100 more. Your choice, pick your poison, I'm not sure I would go for the more powerful amp for $105 more given how loud this amp is while still remaining crystal clear.
Anyway, why this amp? First of all, the sound is crisp and clear and the price is right. On top of that with 12 channels you get six zones, which is perfect for whole house audio. But the magic doesn't stop there, let's take a look at the back of the amp.
The amp is almost infinitely customizable, which you really want when setting up whole house audio. The amp can be triggered to turn on, it also auto sleeps well so it won't sit there using phantom power.
It also has two sets of main inputs and two sets of main outputs. Additionally each zone has its own Line In, and input selection can be individually set to each speaker in the zone. Let's breakdown what this actually means. Let's say to start out you just want to use one media player, heck let's say you just want to use the Logitech Media Player that comes with the Vortexbox. In this scenario you use the #1 Bus Input and set all of your zones to Bus 1, boom, audio through your whole house from one player.
But down the road let's say you don't want the patio playing music all the time while the house is playing music. With this scenario you add a player to that zone, use the Zone-specific Line In and then set the Zone Bus selection to Line In. Or you could plug in to Bus Input 2 and have multiple zones using that player. You don't have to be the player either, you can use one of the player solutions I mentioned in Part 1 or even just a Raspberry Pi running Squeezeslave.
The amp also has per channel gain control, so say your kitchen speakers are louder than the rest of the house, just fine-tune that zone. The Dayton Audio amp packs a whollup for the price and in my 3+ years of use I've been extremely happy with it.
The Player

This solution is based on Logitech's Squeezebox line of players, but really it can be customized as desired if you have a better solution. If the plan is to start with just one player I'd recommend getting a Squeezebox Duet simply because you get the player AND the remote for around $100 on ebay if you are picky and can wait for a good deal. Check here for an ebay search of the Logitech Squeezebox Duet.
If you don't want to spend the money on a player there are other options. You can simply load SqueezePlay on to a computer and use it as the player (you'll need to get the audio in to the amp). Or you can simply use the VortexPlayer on the Vortexbox, which we'll get to below. You don't get the official remote with these solutions, but Squeezebox remotes are readily available on iOS and Android. Only official solutions get free Pandora as well, with an open source player you need a Premium Pandora membership, but that's not a huge deal.
The Media Server

To run the solution I'm describing you need a Logitech Media Server. That's not as scary as it sounds. Most NASes these days come with a Logitech Media Server package. If you have a NAS explore that option, it will probably work well for you. If that's not an option you can always download Logitech Media Server run it on a Windows PC, Mac or Linux PC. Lastly, my favorite option is the Vortexbox. The Vortexbox let's you rip movies, rip music and store and play them all, amongst many other things. Best of all it can be run on an ancient PC. I've 'upgraded' mine to a Dell Zino HD. Literally the only thing that should cost you money for the media server step is maybe buying a large hard drive space if you go crazy ripping to FLAC or ripping movies. The Dell Zino cost me $68 on ebay, but before that I had it Vortexbox running on my old computer from 2002.
As a bonus the Vortexbox comes with its own Logitech Squeezebox player, so you can simply plug the old computers sound card in to the amp. I can't guarantee the best sound if you do this, but it's an option.
The Speakers

If there's anything you need to put though in to it's the speakers. Parts Express does have a great selection of in-wall and ceiling speakers, but that wasn't an area that I wanted to experiment with. I went to and picked out some Polk Audio RC55i 5.5' two-way speakers. Back then I paid under $100 per pair. Crutchfield now has the Polk Audio RC55i for $129.99 per pair. I also got a set of 8' Polk Audio RC85i in-wall two-ways for the bedroom for $169. I went the larger speakers in the bedroom since I wasn't going to have a subwoofer in there and didn't want tinny sound. I debated different manufacturers such as Klipsch, or even higher model Polk Audios, but ended up with these and have been happy with them. Depending on what you choose for speaker configuration, this category can eat up your budget fast.
Let's talk speaker placement. When you think of whole house audio you often think of ceiling speakers or speakers high in the wall. This is ok for background music speakers, but if you want really good sounding music that you can sit and listen to, consider speaker placement carefully. In my home I have several speakers high in the wall, but my main listening speakers face the couch on either side. This sounds amazing when I'm sitting just listening to music. When I first set them up they were off to the side, you don't want to do this. They sounded good for background music, but awful for sitting and listening.
The subwoofer

With the 5.5' two-way in-wall speakers you aren't going to get incredible bass. You can spend a shitload on a subwoofer, but since I had been so happy with the Dayton Audio amp, I decided to give the Dayton Audio SUB-1000 10' 100 Watt subwoofer a chance. I am so glad I did. The bass is punchy, deep and very adequate. Best of all it complements the in-wall speakers very well. The rear has gain adjustments so you can tune out the droney bass that you sometimes get with some subwoofers. It's price has gone up to $119, but that is still well worth it.
In-wall speaker wire

Mediamall Sound Cards & Media Devices DriverIf you have access to a crawlspace or another means to run wire, you'll want to use in-wall speaker wire vs normal speaker wire. Although it's not a lot, speaker wires still carry voltage and can pose a fire risk in case of a short, in-wall speaker wires have an extra sheathing for protection against snags and shorts. You can shop around for speaker wire, Parts Express does sell a 250ft roll of 14/2 in-wall speaker cable for $63.21 at press time. I used the thicker gauge just because I don't like to skimp on wiring. You can go with a narrower gauge for less money and probably be fine. You can get an estimate of about how much wire you'll need by measuring from where your amp will be to where each speaker will be, making sure to measure up and down walls. I see no reason to spend an enormous amount of money on speaker wire, go with an adequate gauge and get the length you need.
Lossless Music format
If you are going to go through the trouble of putting a great system together, why settle for compressed or clipped files that aren't giving you the full music? Whenever possible I rip to FLAC as my Squeezebox solution will support it. ALAC works too and is more Apple-friendly. What's the difference you say? I feel lossy formats (Apple AAC and MP3) need more volume to have the same sound output. Bass sounds less punchy and pronounced with lossy formats and the music sounds more 'muddled' to me, although this can be a result of the mastering as well. To really see the difference we need to download Spek, an Acoustic Spectrum Analyzer, and open the files. First, a FLAC file:
You can see in the FLAC file that the full range of music is there, from 0 kHz to 22 kHz, both beyond the range of human hearing. The top of the range falls off naturally showing it is truly 'lossless' or exactly as it was on the CD. Now let's look at a 256k Apple file:

This actually looks pretty good. The full range is there, but you can tell the top of the spectrum has been clipped as evidenced by its flat line. This is not bad. Now let's look at an old 128k file:
Yuck, significant clipping has been done here to compress the file. As you can see it gets clipped right around 16 kHz. You'll more than likely be able to hear a difference with this kind of file unless you have some sort of hearing damage. The lesson to take from this, use a lossless format whenever possible if you want the best music possible (and you do), but the 256k Apple files aren't all that bad.
Optional: In-wall volume control

You might want some sort of volume control in certain rooms, especially if you have only one source. For instance, you may not want the kitchen blaring tunes while the kids are having a dance party in the other room. Use volume controls sparingly however, they are more work and you'll use them less than you think since the Squeezebox has its own volume control.

Media Mall Sound Cards & Media Devices Drivers

I bought several and ended up using just one, for the kitchen. I recommend these volume controls from Pyle. They work well and wiring is easy enough. I put them inside a plastic electrical box as I wasn't comfortable having them in a low-voltage enclosure. The wiring gets a bit dense with how deep they are. With a no volume control setup you can run wire straight from the amp to speakers. With a volume control in the equation you have to run both speaker wires to the volume control, then to each speaker from there. It makes wiring slightly more of a pain in the ass. You can make it slightly easier by running a 4-1 in-wall speaker wire. Make sure to check what gauge you'll need.

Mediamall Sound Cards & Media Devices Driver

So let's break down the cost:
  • Whole house multi-channel amplifier - $444 to 549 with the solution I suggest
  • At least one Logitech media player, more for multiple independent zones - free to $200 per player, you only need one to start
  • A Logitech Media Server (many NASes include this, an old PC running Vortexbox is another great solution) - free to several hundred $
  • In-wall speakers - $25 to well over $200 per pair depending on what you chose
  • In-wall speaker wire - $60-200 depending on what you need, could be more
  • Subwoofer - $119 if you take a chance on the solution I suggested
  • Optional - In-wall volume control - $27 a piece, use sparingly

Realistically you can hit the $1000 budget with the suggestions above. You'll go above it depending on what kind and how many speakers you go with. Also it assumes you're doing the work yourself, if not all bets are off.
Lastly, here is my network/audio closet.
On the top are my two Squeezebox players, a Squeezebox Touch and an old Squeezebox2. I also have a Logitech Radio and a Boom in other bedrooms, as well as a Squeezebox2 hooked up to my Pioneer SC-63 for dedicated listening with the Polk Audio SDA-2Bs. I have a Squeezebox Duet remote that I use to control music, but I also use my Android phone and the Logitech Media Server web app.
On the second shelf down is the Dell Zino HD that I run Vortexbox on. It has much more power than the Vortexbox needs, which is funny when you look at how old the Zino HD is. Sharp eyes probably notice the Synology NAS that I could have run Logitech Media Server on as well.
Lastly, the third shelf down is my Dayton Audio MA1240a Multi-Zone 12 Channel amplifier. This amp sounds great and has worked wonderfully for me. All of the speaker wires run from the amp out in to the crawlspace and to their respective speakers.